Tag Archives: Collaborative care

2015 JQS Award Nominee

Meritage ACO: Improving Care Transitions, Reducing Readmissions

  “It looks like you’ve had another exacerbation of your COPD. I really would like you to start using home oxygen. And there are some other medications I would like to adjust here…” William hears the ER doctor at Marin General Hospital (MGH) but can’t help letting his mind wander. This is his third time […]


Andrea Kmetz, RN, and Marie Robertson Andrea Kmetz, BS, RN is the Director of Care Management and Quality Assurance at the Meritage Medical Network and Meritage ACO. She is responsible for multidisciplinary complex case management and care transitions coaching for 41,000 enrollees as well as multitude of quality initiatives. Marie Robertson, BS, is Quality Management Coordinator for the Meritage Medical Network and Meritage ACO. She works with Andrea to implement quality assurance initiatives in addition to coordinating community wellness programs, CME events and other projects.

Andrea Kmetz, RN, and Marie Robertson, BS has 2 post(s) at EngagingPatients.org

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2014 HOPE Award Winner

Collaborative Care: Hope for Patients with Complex, Undiagnosed Conditions

On August 31, 2010 after two years of medical confusion around our son, Declan’s health, we thought for once there might be an answer to his mysterious blood work, swinging fevers, pneumonia and arthritis. The doctor who thought she was prescribing the correct medicine to help with all of these symptoms actually made a grave […]