Tag Archives: e-patients

Shifting the Paradigm

Encore Presentation: Engaged Patients Are the New Paradigm

Editor’s Note: This week, we revisit a post written by “e-Patient” Dave deBronkart, whose thoughts are always evolving. In an article published in July in the Beryl Institute’s Patient Experience Journal, deBronkart continued to develop ideas that he explored for Engaging Patients in April: the pace of progress toward engagement and the kind of change that […]

Patient-Centered Care

When We Know Better, We Do Better: The e-Patient Awakening

I have had a few moments in my life where I have experienced thoughts of impending doom. You know, when you thought you were on the right track and something happens to wake you up to see a totally different perspective? I like to call it the moment of “what did I just get myself […]


Arundi Venkayya Arundi Venkayya is marketing and public relations manager for Taylor Healthcare, curator of EngagingPatients.org and administrator of the Sherman Award program which recognizes excellence in patient and family engagement. Before joining Taylor Healthcare, Arundi was an editor at the Dayton Daily News and served as public relations manager for Dayton Children's Hospital.

Arundi Venkayya has 9 post(s) at EngagingPatients.org

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