Tag Archives: patient activation

Shifting the Paradigm

Achieving Patient Engagement: No Easy Task

Sandra, a retired teacher with hypertension, has been Dr. Clarke’s patient for 20 years. When she arrives for her annual visit, she is given a clipboard with a paper form that asks her to list all of her medications and fill in her medical history, the same form she filled out last year. Sandra has […]


Nancy B. Finn, M.Ed. Nancy B. Finn is a journalist, thought leader and patient advocate, focused on patient empowerment and engagement through the deployment of digital communication technology. She is the author of four books, including e-Patients Live Longer, the Complete Guide to Managing Health Care Using Technology . She blogs for the Society for Participatory Medicine at e-patients.net, and publishes her own blog. HealthCare Basics. She also is a contributing columnist and reviewer for the Journal of Participatory Medicine, and is a speaker at many national and international forums. Nancy is a member of the Board of Overseers and the patient advocate on the Safety and Quality Committee at Mount Auburn Hospital in Cambridge, MA, and the consumer advocate and member of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Board.. She is also the Secretary and a board member of the Society for Participatory Medicine.

Nancy B. Finn, M.Ed. has 1 post(s) at EngagingPatients.org

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Paths to Patient-Centered Care

The “How” of Patient Engagement Technology Meets the “Who” and “Why”

Imagine you have hypertension, an often-symptomless disease, and you’re receiving a daily text message reminding you to take your pills. How would you react? Now, imagine you’re getting the same kind of text message related to schizophrenia, a serious psychiatric disorder. Would your reaction be the same? When evaluating technologies for patient engagement, the “who” […]


Michael L. Millenson, President, Health Quality Advisors LLC Michael L. Millenson, president of Health Quality Advisors LLC, Highland Park, IL, is a nationally recognized expert on quality of care improvement, patient-centered care and web-based health. He is the author of the critically acclaimed book, Demanding Medical Excellence: Doctors and Accountability in the Information Age, and he is adjunct associate professor of medicine in the Department of Medicine at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine. National Public Radio called him “in the vanguard of the movement” to measure and improve American medicine. Prior to starting his own firm, Millenson was a principal in the health-care practice of a major human resources consulting firm. Before that, he was a healthcare reporter for the Chicago Tribune, where he was nominated three times for a Pulitzer Prize. He serves on the boards of the American Journal of Medical Quality and Project Patient Care.

Michael L. Millenson, President, Health Quality Advisors has 20 post(s) at EngagingPatients.org

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Mobile Technology

How mHealth is Enabling Co-creation of Care

Support for mobile health (mHealth) as a larger component in the U.S. healthcare practice is alive and growing. Twenty-four percent of physicians currently report using mHealth technologies, and half of that group use them daily, according to a 2014 survey of U.S. physicians by Deloitte. MHealth offers great opportunity to improve the patient experience. Closer […]


Björn Stansvik As founder and CEO of MentorMate (a three-time consecutive winner on the Inc. 500 | 5000 lists), Björn Stansvik has steered the company’s activities since inception to its current size of 300 full-time employees and 800+ projects delivered worldwide. As an international business strategy and innovation firm, MentorMate helps companies demystify mobile technology. Björn is the creator of MentorMate’s patented technologies and has received an Intellectual Property Certificate of Commendation signed by the governor of Minnesota. Björn is a sought-after writer and has been published in numerous technology and business journals. He’s also a frequent keynote presenter and speaker at leading technology conferences across the U.S

Björn Stansvik has 1 post(s) at EngagingPatients.org

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Cultural Sensitivity in Medicine

Race and Ethnicity, and Engagement That’s Right

A few years ago, I was upgraded to First Class on a flight from California back to Chicago. Not long after I settled in, a tall, muscular man easily four inches taller than me walked up to my aisle seat in the first row and prepared to sit by the window. I envisioned him spending […]

Redesigning Patient Care

From Compliance to Engagement: Reimagining the Patient Relationship

For too many years, we in healthcare have celebrated the “compliant” patient—the person who takes the care plan, the medication regimen, the instructions that we hand to him/her and lives by it. How many times have you heard a patient referred to as “noncompliant” — or used that language yourself? How often have we lectured […]


Jan Oldenburg Jan Oldenburg, FHIMSS, is passionate about using digital tools to build a healthcare system where patients and caregivers participate as partners. She currently advises and mentors startups and consults with organizations who want to understand the evolving digital health landscape as the Principal in Participatory Health Consulting. Ms. Oldenburg has broad experience within all aspects of the healthcare ecosystem, including payers, providers, and integrated delivery systems. Most recently she was a Senior Manager in EY’s Health Advisory Practice. Prior to joining EY, Ms. Oldenburg was the Vice President of Patient and Physician Engagement in Aetna’s Accountable Care Solutions organization, where she worked with provider organizations to build collaborative ACO solutions. She also spent seven years as a manager and senior manager in Kaiser Permanente’s Digital Services Group, directing strategy and implementation for web and mobile products including clinical, payment, and administrative capabilities. Ms. Oldenburg has been a principal in several consulting companies focused on using the digital capabilities effectively in healthcare to engage consumers. She is the primary editor of Engage! Transforming Healthcare Through Digital Patient Engagement, published by HIMSS press and winner of “Best Book of 2013” honors at HIMSS 2014, as well as the principal Editor of Participatory Healthcare: A Person-Centered Approach to Transforming Healthcare to be published by CRC Press in June, 2016. She also is the author of the “Personal Health Engagement” chapter in the Third Edition of Medical Informatics, published in March, 2015 and the “Participatory Medicine” chapter of The Journey Never Ends, published in March, 2016, as well as a number of articles and blog posts. Ms. Oldenburg is the co-chair of the HIMSS Connected Health Committee and a frequent speaker and commentator on patient and physician engagement issues.

Jan Oldenburg has 3 post(s) at EngagingPatients.org

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Patient and Family Engagement

Family Engagement: Combatting Low Literacy, Driving Better Patient Outcomes

This week, I was once again reminded of the prevalence and impact of low health literacy. An article on WashingtonPost.com penned by CVS Caremark pointed to these statistics from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that looked at the elder segment of the population, age 65 and older: 2/3 of older people are unable to […]

Patient-Centered Communication

Patient Engagement Must Begin with Plain Language

As IT professionals prepare to convene for the Health Information and Management Systems Society’s (HIMSS) annual conference and exhibitiion February 23-27 and the topic of patient engagement takes center stage, guest blogger Jim Rattray offers his thoughts on effective engagement. Hardwire. Analytics. Evidence. Patterns. Models of care. These terms all mean something to health care […]


Jim Rattray Jim Rattray is Executive Vice President of Bennett Group in Boston, an award-winning full-service integrated marketing, communications and advertising agency. With decades of experience as a journalist and professional communicator, he has been recognized for his work with numerous national and regional awards and has spoken to marketing and PR audiences around the country on using new tools for public relations, marketing and patient engagement. Rattray is a registered Apple Developer and the creator of MyHealth for iPhone.

Jim Rattray has 18 post(s) at EngagingPatients.org

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Clinical Practice and Technology

How Technology is Helping Nurses Build Patient Engagement

Republished with permission from NurseZone, a web portal for nurses that features the latest healthcare news and information. Engaging patients in their own health care and helping them work in tandem with the care team has become one of the key themes in modern medical practice. The goal is to prevent illness, promote wellness and […]

Patient-Provider Accountability

Forging a Partnership to Drive Better Patient Outcomes

Patients are asked to sign a lot of papers. But there is an especially important document handed to patients about to undergo lung surgery at Baystate Heath Center in Springfield, Mass. — it’s the Caregiver/Patient Pledge. The pledge begins with: We are committed to providing the care steps necessary to ensure the highest quality care […]


Jim Rattray Jim Rattray is Executive Vice President of Bennett Group in Boston, an award-winning full-service integrated marketing, communications and advertising agency. With decades of experience as a journalist and professional communicator, he has been recognized for his work with numerous national and regional awards and has spoken to marketing and PR audiences around the country on using new tools for public relations, marketing and patient engagement. Rattray is a registered Apple Developer and the creator of MyHealth for iPhone.

Jim Rattray has 18 post(s) at EngagingPatients.org

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Patient-Centered Communication

Beyond Informed Consent … the Move to Informed Choice

As the leading provider of informed consent and other care communication solutions, Standard Register Healthcare is highly focused on the ubiquitous trend of patient engagement. It is our core belief that by helping our customers empower people with information, we can improve people’s health and the healthcare system. To that end, informed consent is a […]


John G. King John King is passionate about the transformation of healthcare and believes effective communications are central to enhancing the patient and family experience, improving the coordination of care and empowering people to better manage their health and well-being. As President of Standard Register Healthcare, he's made it the company's mission to help customers standardize and manage communications across the continuum of care, and enable providers and payers to engage the right person with the right information so they can influence behavior and achieve their desired outcomes.

John G. King has 2 post(s) at EngagingPatients.org

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