Tag Archives: Physician communication skills

Patient-Centered Care

When it Comes to Engaging Patients, Health Care Providers are Lost in Space

The challenge for healthcare providers today is not how to engage their patients…but rather how to be more engaging. This is an important distinction. Grasping the distinction can make the difference between a highly effective, satisfying patient experience and what many of us get now – average care and experiences that leave us wanting for […]


Stephen Wilkins, MPH Steve Wilkins, MPH, is the author of Mind the Gap, an evidence-based blog aimed at improving how physicians communicate with and engage their patients beginning in the exam room. He is also the founder of the Adopt One! Challenge which challenge physicians to commit to developing one new patient-centered communication skill in 2014. Steve has over 25 years in working with health plans, hospitals and physicians to engage, empower and excite patients and consumers. Website: www.mindthegap.smarthealthmessaging.com Twitter: @Healthmessaging LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/stephenwilkins

Stephen Wilkins, MPH has 2 post(s) at EngagingPatients.org

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