Tag Archives: quality ratings

Data-Driven Insights

What We Learned about Patient Experience at Consumer Reports

  Few health researchers have the chance to survey hundreds of thousands of American consumers on health topics but we did just that as leaders of the research teams that led, designed, fielded and reported patient experience data at Consumer Reports from 2008 to 2013. From ADHD to weight loss, from back pain to laser […]


Elissa Schuler Adair, PhD and Mark Kotkin, PhD Elissa Schuler Adair, PhD, Senior Scholar, Center for Ethics in Health, Oregon Health & Science University. A consumer health advocate, data scientist and trained ethnographer, she is an independent consultant to non-profit, media, government and entrepreneurial initiatives based in Portland, Oregon. Mark Kotkin, PhD, served on the Consumer Reports Survey Research team for 27 years, retiring as its Director.

Elissa Schuler Adair, PhD and Mark Kotkin, PhD has 1 post(s) at EngagingPatients.org