Tag Archives: Shared Decision Making

Paths to Improved Patient Engagement

‘Most Wired’ Hospital Uses Novel Technology to Enhance Both Care and Efficiency

San Antonio Military Medical Center (SAMMC) – the largest military hospital in the nation – recently earned a ‘Most Wired’ designation for the fourth consecutive year. In a news release announcing their recognition for their efforts to apply technology to advance patient care, SAMMC cited their use of a novel system. That technology – an […]


Timothy Kelly, MS, MBA Timothy Kelly is a director at Taylor Healthcare where he is responsible for patient education and patient follow-up technology solutions. Tim has spent 25 years in the medical software/medical device industries, including service at Dialog Medical and C.R. Bard, Inc. His areas of interest include engagement strategies, patient safety and shared decision-making research. Tim serves as Taylor Healthcare's representative on the National Quality Forum, and is a member of ASHRM, HIMSS and ACRP. He publishes frequently on the subject of informed consent and recently presented on that topic at the 2014 ACRP, AHIMA and ASHRM Conferences.

Timothy Kelly, MS, MBA has 4 post(s) at EngagingPatients.org

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Partners in Safety

It’s About Partnership

Last week, the National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF) celebrated Patient Safety Awareness Week by focusing on the issue of patient and family engagement. It was encouraging to hear that more organizations are seeking to make progress in this effort and health professionals are eager to learn about the benefits of patient involvement at all levels […]


Tejal K. Gandhi, MD, MPH, CPPS Tejal K. Gandhi, MD, MPH, CPPS, is chief clinical and safety officer at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). Previously, she was president and CEO of the National Patient Safety Foundation, which merged with IHI in May 2017. An internist and associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, Gandhi was formerly the chief quality and safety officer at Partners Healthcare in Boston, Massachusetts. In 2009 she received the John M. Eisenberg Patient Safety and Quality Award for her contributions to understanding the epidemiology and possible prevention strategies for medical errors in the outpatient setting.

Tejal K. Gandhi, MD, MPH, CPPS has 9 post(s) at EngagingPatients.org

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Redesigning the Care Experience

Questioning Protocol, a Family’s Perspective

An excerpt from the book, Questioning Protocol, by Randi Redmond Oster   Dr. Carroll calmly walked to Gary’s bedside. He just performed a very long surgery on my 15-year-old son, who has Crohn’s Disease. “Gary will be fine,” he says. “I took out the diseased intestine.” I ask exactly what he did in the operating […]


Randi Redmond Oster Randi Redmond Oster is author of Questioning Protocol, which helps patients navigate the healthcare system and medical professionals understand the patient perspective. She is a nationally acclaimed speaker on healthcare reform, shared decision-making and patient engagement. Randi spent approximately 20 years working at GE on complex aerospace systems and building profitable financial services businesses. She received a Black Belt in Six Sigma Quality and numerous leadership awards. The skills she gained at GE empowered her to effectively navigate the healthcare system and find opportunities for process improvements as she advocated in hospitals on behalf of her chronically ill son. Randi is president of Help Me Health, a business focused on the transformation of how healthcare thinks about and delivers patient experiences to achieve better outcomes and a better bottom line.

Randi Redmond Oster has 4 post(s) at EngagingPatients.org

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Patient Engagement and Safety

The Case of the Missing Consent Form

A couple of years ago, I underwent hip surgery at a large Atlanta hospital. During the admissions process, I was asked to sign a consent form. The clerk handed me a single piece of paper with a signature block. In the footer of the page it read, “Page 5 of 8.” I asked the clerk […]


Timothy Kelly, MS, MBA Timothy Kelly is a director at Taylor Healthcare where he is responsible for patient education and patient follow-up technology solutions. Tim has spent 25 years in the medical software/medical device industries, including service at Dialog Medical and C.R. Bard, Inc. His areas of interest include engagement strategies, patient safety and shared decision-making research. Tim serves as Taylor Healthcare's representative on the National Quality Forum, and is a member of ASHRM, HIMSS and ACRP. He publishes frequently on the subject of informed consent and recently presented on that topic at the 2014 ACRP, AHIMA and ASHRM Conferences.

Timothy Kelly, MS, MBA has 4 post(s) at EngagingPatients.org

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