Tag Archives: Standard of Care

Paths to Patient-Centered Care

It’s Time to Set a ‘Standard of Care’ for Patient Engagement

Healthcare used to be a paternal system where decisions were made for us as patients, not with us or by us. Now, we are transitioning to a system that centers around patients to deliver care and value to the patient in partnership. Patients are asked to be better, more active consumers in their care and […]


Beth Daley Ullem Beth Daley Ullem is a nationally-recognized governance expert for patient safety and quality. Beth works with hospital leadership teams, hospital boards and healthcare industry leaders to develop programs that improve the quality of patient care and better enable Boards to provide oversight of quality and safety. As a patient advocate, she also works to advance patient-centric care and make care outcomes transparent and accessible to consumers. Beth is passionate about reducing harm and errors, improving the transparency healthcare outcomes and better enabling hospital boards to understand and lead on quality issues. Her passion is driven by the loss of her son to a medical error in 2003 and her desire for all patients to have safe and respectful care and transparent clinical and quality outcomes.

Beth Daley Ullem has 1 post(s) at EngagingPatients.org

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